Hey everyone! Long time no talk!

Lots has been going on over the past few months (excuses, excuses) but we are finally back.

As a bit of a change, we have decided to purchase a domain over at wassuppyblog.com!
We are really excited about this and hope you are, too!

If you’d like, you can join us over there (we already have our first post up).

Thank you all for your support!


I try to go through my arsenal of things every once in a while in an attempt to force myself from sticking to one thing for too long. After recently moving back home from school, I wanted to throw away everything I knew I wouldn’t use, forcing me to pull out things I haven’t reached for in forever. These five items, in particular, were once forgotten ~but now have been found~

derma e Hydrating Mist with Hyaluronic Acid – I actually have a few bottles of this lying around because I have received it a few times in subscription boxes. I like face mists (? sprays? that sounds weird, right?) to prime and set my makeup but I would have never necessarily tried this one out if I hadn’t read the instructions. I thought this one might be too dewy but no! it is perfect. My makeup has been staying pretty much all day, even when I spend 8 hours running in circles at work. I’m already looking into buying a few back up bottles because I now know I cannot be without this.

L’Oreal Infallible Eyeshadow in Amber Rush – I used to be so obsessed with this eyeshadow. It is so pretty but also slightly inconvenient when compared to palettes, especially when I’m in a rush (an amber rush –hah, get it?). Now that I’ve discovered it again, I’ve realized that this beautiful color is worth keeping nearby in case I’m in need of some sort of sparkle.


MAC Lipstick in Rebel – I used to literally keep this in my pocket. Luckily, now I do again. The color in the tube is a bit intimidating but I find it to be very pink in real life. In fact, I often think this isn’t nearly dark enough for me. But, because of that, it is easy to wear and slap on without too much effort. Plus, even once it fades, I find it leaves a nice pink tint, making it perfect for me when I know I have a long day ahead.



NARS Matte Multiple in Altai – This is actually a product I didn’t love when I first bought it. Initially, I was excited about it – I prefer cream products if I can find them, especially my bronzers. Unfortunately, I just wasn’t getting the finish I wanted with this product. Months later, I’ve dug it up and tried it again. I’ve gotten a lot more patient when it comes to doing my makeup and making it look the way I want it to look, which I think is the key with this product. I’m actually excited to check out a few more colors soon!


Revlon ColorStay Skinny Liquid Liner in Electric Blue – I bought this a few months ago when I was having a bright eyeliner kick. Though I still don’t wear crazy eyeliner most days, I do appreciate it every once in a while, especially if I’m going to a concert or something exciting like that. Though I love the Stila eyeliners, I especially love this one because it is $7 and I won’t feel as bad if I don’t end up using the whole thing before it dries out!


In days past, I would have gladly convinced myself that I could buy whatever I wanted and make it work. I’d do the math – “if I work 3 extra shifts I can buy this.” Unfortunately, all that is no more. With car payments and impending student loan payments, I can’t afford to just buy stuff when I want. So, for now, I’ll constantly refresh these pages online, hoping for some extravagant, unrealistic sale.

Madewell Courier Shirt in Stripe – I love all of the Courier shirts but I think the stripe is my favorite. I’m really bad about getting out of my comfort zone when it comes to clothes but that’s alright cause this shirt screams my name. I really want it, and actually see it as something I would definitely get my money’s worth from, but I’m hoping to visit my local-ish Madewell to check it out in person before I jump the gun.

Madewell Transport Tote – Can you tell I’m having a Madewell moment? I’ve loved this bag for years but I own about 500 totes so I keep telling myself that I definitely do not need another one. Nonetheless, I…need it. I’m actually putting some money aside each time I get paid so I won’t feel so bad when I spend an entire loan payment on a purse. But! This is such a grown up girl bag! I feel like I, as a 22 year old college grad, need this bag. Plus, doesn’t it seem like the perfect airplane bag?!

Dior SoReal Sunglasses – File this under things I will never buy but will forever want. These sunglasses are over $500 so yeah, never gonna happen, but the heart wants what the heart wants. I just think, if I were to buy these, I’d never need another pair of sunglasses again. So…maybe…if I win the lottery or something.

Commodity Fragrance in Book – I first experienced this a few weeks ago when I was in New York and fell in love at first sniff. I can’t stop thinking about it. I actually ended up buying the “Gin” scent but only because they didn’t have Book in stock as a rollerball (funnily enough, the Book scent actually smelled much more alcoholic to me). I can’t really justify another full-sized perfume bottle but I definitely know this one is at the top of my list.

This month has been a total whirlwind. I had a ton of things going on between my three trips AND graduation so it really felt like it flew by. I loved a ton of things this month but I decided to keep this pretty short – only the best of the best!

Hourglass Arch Brow Sculpting Pencil in Dark Brunette – I bought this on a bit of a whim. I’ve been using (and feeling okay about) the Anastasia Brow Wiz for a few months now. While I think it is great for many people, I really don’t need to fill in my eyebrows too much. I have very bushy straight eyebrows so they get lookin’ real crazy real fast if I put too much on them. After running out of my Brow Wiz right before I was supposed to head out on the first of my three trips this month, I decided I’d try out the Arch Brow Sculpting Pencil, mostly cause it was the most conveniently located inside of Sephora. The tip is much larger than the Brow Wiz, allowing me to quickly swipe on a bit of color rather than slowly fill in and, inevitably, go overboard. Kinda mad at myself for falling in love with a $32 brow pencil but, ya know, whatever makes you happy.

ColourPop Matte Eyeshadow in Bill – To be honest, I bought this because I was $5 from free shipping. I only planned on ordering lip products but I ended up going for this as well. And, as much as I’m loving the lip sticks and pencils I ordered, this eyeshadow has been the true standout for me. I am absolutely in love. I haven’t worn anything else on my eyes since I bought this. It is SO perfect for a simple every day kind of thing and I’ve gotten so many compliments on it. It isn’t too bold but it is a really nice muted plum so it isn’t as boring as my usual brown/gold eyeshadows. It works really well as a base or on its own. Best of all: $5. I’m definitely gonna get my hands on more of these.

The Blend Fragrance Blending Mini Kit – Everyone knows I have a perfume problem. The Blend is doing nothing to help my problem. Each time I go to Sephora, I spend a good 30 minutes playing with all of The Blend rollerballs and deciding which combinations I love the most. Recently, they came out with this mini kit for $30 (versus their much larger, all-inclusive $150 kit). It has been really perfect for traveling, not only because you get 4 smaller sized rollerballs but also because there are endless scent combinations you can build. My favorite has been a combination of Amber Vanilla + Clean Musk – I can’t even bring myself to wear anything else, even though I’ve been back from vacation for about a week now.

W3LL PEOPLE Expressionist Mascara – I got a sample of this in my Birchbox this month. I’ve heard a ton of people say that this is their favorite all-natural mascara and I can definitely agree. It doesn’t leave my eyelashes looking flat after a few hours and it keeps possibly dangerous chemicals further away from my eyes. My only wish is that I could find a less expensive option but, for now, I think a few extra dollars is worth taking the safer option.

Quay Chelsea Girl Sunglasses – I bought these for two reasons: 1. I wanted a pair of sunglasses with mirrored lenses. 2. I wanted a less expensive (but good quality) option to wear when I go to concerts or outdoor events. I have really sensitive eyes and usually Forever21 sunglasses won’t cut it. These glasses ended up being so great that I’ve been reaching for them over some of my other pairs. I love them because they’re such a statement on their own (and sort of a distraction when I’m too tired to do my makeup).

HOLYCHILD – I’ve been so obsessed with HOLYCHILD this month, especially Happy With Me. It has become my go-to song for when I’m getting ready for my day. It is so fun and upbeat which is really different from my typical taste (aka only Brand New 24/7).


I’ve read a ton lately. In fact, I actually just reached the mid-way point for my goal of reading 50 books this year!

I’ve been really into short stories lately. Most recently, I read In The Penal Colony and The Hunger Artist by Franz Kafka. I love Kafka and these stories were no exception. The Penal Colony, in particular, was fantastic. I love being able to sit down with a story and finish the whole thing in less than a day. I have this thing about finishing things I start so short stories are perfect for me. I’ve read a few others recently as well but none that grabbed me quite like these. Let me know if you know of any short stories or (even better) books with many short stories. Currently, I’m reading a collection of short stories (Drown by Junot Diaz) and loving it.

I’ve also held true to my absolute devotion to Haruki Murakami. I have yet to read anything at all that I haven’t loved. Most recently, I finished Hear the Wind Sing (his first novel) in hopes of reading the entire “The Rat” series. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find book #2 anywhere locally so I may have to order it from Amazon. I also read Murakami’s Underground during my four plane rides during the past week. Underground is absolutely nothing like Murakami’s novels – it is instead based on real accounts of the Tokyo gas attack. It was very interesting, especially because I had never even heard of the event. It sounds like it was one of the most horrific acts of terrorism in Japanese history. Finally, I just bought a copy of 1Q84 when I visited the Strand Bookstore in New York last week. Cannot WAIT to get started on that one.

Speeeeaking of Strand, I also bought The Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa which I already started reading. I think I’ve read before that it’s one of Daniel Radcliffe’s favorite books…lol…which is why I picked it up. It is amazing so far – really, really fantastic. I’m reading it rather slowly though, it is definitely something that needs to be appreciated.

Finally, I also read One More Thing by BJ Novak. I was really looking forward to reading this one. I enjoyed it but not in the way I was expecting. I guess I didn’t really know it was a book of short stories and not necessarily another hilarious celebrity memoir. It was still great! and funny! It is so cool to know that this comedic guy I love seeing on my tv is also a story writer! (I guess that shouldn’t be that surprising considering he’s a writer…anyway…)

Besides starting 1Q84, I’m also looking forward to reading Pride and Prejudice soon. I have to work on my PopSugar challenge a bit – so far I’ve been reading whatever I want and just seeing where things fit into the list. I’m getting to the point now where I specifically have to pick books that fit the challenge’s requirements.

Let me know if there are any books you think I should check out soon. Again, my highest recommendation is for anything by Murakami but I also think, if you don’t mind really sitting with a book, The Book of Disquiet is amazing.


It always seems to surprise people when I tell them how few times I’ve been to New York. I just got back from my fourth trip ever (alright, alright, it was my 3rd trip in under a year) but people always ask me for a list of what they “must see” or “must do.” I’m pretty notorious in my friends group for being completely obsessed with the city, even making excel sheets to keep track of all of the places I want to visit. I do have plenty more places to visit before I have a truly definitive list of what’s “the best of the best,” but, for now, these are just a few of my favorite things –

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Things have been so crazy over the last month! A quick recap: I moved out of my apartment, moved back home, graduated from college and went on two vacations. I’m back now (actually sick in bed, sad) and about to start training at work.

Finally, though, I have some downtime. I’m really, really looking forward to being able to work on this blog now that the insanity has died down. Weirdly, I actually feel myself becoming an “adult” and I think I’m excited to be one. It is so weird to think that I don’t have to go back to school come August. But, to be honest, I’m excited to have this blog to keep me focused on what is important to me.

As for the future of Wassuppy, I’ve decided to change things up. I’m not necessarily going to be posting every single day but instead just whenever I actually have something I really want to talk about (what a concept!). And, as usual, I invite all of my friends to contribute to the blog if they wish. With so many of my closest friends spread across the country (going to grad school, dental school, law school or getting awesome jobs and internships – my friends are the best), I’m also excited to use Wassuppy as a platform to keep us all close.

So, I don’t really know if I have much else to add to this other than “I’m back!” so I guess that’s it!

Thank you if you follow Wassuppy and thanks again for sticking with me!

– Amanda



    • There’s been a lot of debate (that I haven’t kept up with) about who PPL MVR really are (maybe Brand New? but almost definitely not?) but, to be honest, I don’t care who is under those costumes. I forgot about the song after hearing it a few months ago but was reminded of it during this week’s crazy Brand New situation. Either way, it is pretty much all I’ve listened to all week. –Amanda


    • I watched all of Kroll Show after realizing I have Amazon Prime and I absolutely loved it. It is hysterical and right up my street. I’ll talk more about it soon but for now… –Amanda